21. oktoober
Mul on selline tunne, et ma just avastasin enda kohta midagi. Ma ei suuda linnamüra keskel elades täiesti rahul ja õnnelik olla.
Mul on selline tunne, et ma just avastasin enda kohta midagi. Ma ei suuda linnamüra keskel elades täiesti rahul ja õnnelik olla.
Ma sõitsin rattaga kesklinnast paari kilomeetri kaugusele
ning pidin varjualust otsima, sest päikse, 32 soojakraadi ja mu vähese
kopsumahu pärast oleks pea ära tahtnud minestada.
Juba poole tee peal siia sain mõni hetk vaikust nautida.
Polnud näha ega kuulda ühtki autot ega inimest ning ma poleks arvanud, et ma
seda nii nautida võiks.
Istun ühe üksiku puu all varjus ja lihtsalt naudin. Naudin
mittemillegi tegemist ja otseloomulikult vaikust. Ja seda looduse lõhna, mida
kesklinnas majade vahelt ilmselgelt ei leia.
Siin on nii mõnus ja roheline. Murust tunnen ma muidugi
puudust, sest siin seda eriti ei ole. Kuigi ma imestan, et siin puud nii
rohelised on. Vihma on siin selle kuu aja jooksul sadanud vaid korra ning kes
neid puid siin linnapiiri ääres ikka kastab. Ja kes oleks arvanud, et ma isegi vihma veidi igatsen...
See meenutab mulle Laulasmaad. Ja kui ma varem Laulasmaale
mõeldes kurvaks muutusin ja tihti nutma hakkasin, siis praegu teeb see mind
õnnelikuks. Nüüd ma tean, et ka siit võib rahulikke kohti leida, kus pole
midagi ega kedagi kes segaks, ning kus veidi loodust nautida saab. Ma olen vist
ikka täitsa maalaps.
I drove with my bike a few kilometers from the city and had to seek for some shadow cause the sun and 32 degrees wanted to kill me...
Already half way here I got to enjoy a few moments of silence. I didn't see or hear any cars or people, and I would not have thought that I'd enjoy it so much.
I'm sitting under a tree and I just enjoying. I'm enjoying doing nothing, and of course the silence. And the smell of nature, which obviously doesn't exist is in the city.
I am surprised that it's so green here, it has rained only once this month... And also I wouldn't have thought that I'd miss grass and the rain.
It reminds me of Laulasmaa. And when some time ago I got sad because thinking of Laulasmaa, now I'm happy cause I know I can find these peaceful places everywhere.
21. october
I think I just discovered something about myself. It is hard for me to be really happy and satisfied living in a middle of noisy and big city.
I drove with my bike a few kilometers from the city and had to seek for some shadow cause the sun and 32 degrees wanted to kill me...
Already half way here I got to enjoy a few moments of silence. I didn't see or hear any cars or people, and I would not have thought that I'd enjoy it so much.
I'm sitting under a tree and I just enjoying. I'm enjoying doing nothing, and of course the silence. And the smell of nature, which obviously doesn't exist is in the city.
I am surprised that it's so green here, it has rained only once this month... And also I wouldn't have thought that I'd miss grass and the rain.
It reminds me of Laulasmaa. And when some time ago I got sad because thinking of Laulasmaa, now I'm happy cause I know I can find these peaceful places everywhere.
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